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New airspace structure 2024

We urge you to take note of the new airspace structure and
please note our instructions on this! You can find them here

The aeronautical chart shown is
the currant map 2024, March 21st.

!!! From February 20, 2025: All IFR flights to and from Schönhagen without PPR approval !!!

After the PPR regulation was dropped for departures two years ago, it will also no longer apply for all arrivals from February 20, 2025.

PPR for IFR flights - attention: only for approaches

Please note that only IFR approaches (!) are now subject to a PPR approval due to the necessary coordination with BER, which must be obtained from FMP Br Tel.: +49 421 5372-127 (see AIP AD 2 EDAZ 1- 6). Approval will be issued no earlier than 24 hours before EOBT. Departures no longer require PPR approval!

Please note that the telephone number at FMP Bremen has changed!!!

New lead times for border and customs clearance from 1. January 2025

With the introduction of the electronic entry and exit system (EES) in October 2024, it will no longer be permitted to deploy auxiliary police officers at border control. The reason for this is that only officers of the Federal Police (BP) are permitted to post-process control results, which require access to Federal Police databases. Auxiliary police officers are employees of the airport operator who have been trained and sworn in by the Federal Police.

As a result, the BP (Federal Police) has informed the affected airports nationwide about the intended discontinuation of border clearance. This does not apply to airports in Bavaria, where border clearance is carried out by the state police on behalf of the BP.

Border clearance:
For citizens from non-Schengen countries, please register 48 hours in advance.

Customs clearance:
Please register 2 hours in advance, within the operating hours.

Welcome to Schönhagen Airport

Schönhagen airport is one of the most important airports in Germany and, with more thann 45,000 flight movements per year, the largest in the new federal states. Here you can find the full range of general aviation. The airport is optimally developed for business aviation and provides an attractive base for private planes and recreational flying.



Landing procedures

Airfield tours