Airport Corporation
Here you will find your contact partners for all your concerns regarding the airport.
administration / office
Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Jürgen Schwahn
CEO / managing director
Telefon +49 33731 305-0
Fax +49 33731 305-25
Monika Kühn
executive assistant
press/public relations/marketing, events,
service around flying
Telefon +49 33731 305-40
Mobil +49 172 3277702
Fax +49 33731 305 - 25
Silke Hilbert
facility management
rental of commercial premises
Telefon +49 33731 305-60
Fax +49 33731 305-25
Dirk Pufahl
accounting related to rents / hangar spaces
Telefon +49 33731 305-21
Fax +49 33731 305-25
safety & complience
accountable manager
customer service / OPS
Liane Kelm
team management customer service / OPS
accounting related to flight operation
Telefon +49 33731 305-32
Fax +49 33731 305-44 or
Pascal Wellenbrock
customer service / OPS
Telefon +49 33731 305-32
Fax +49 33731 305-44
Nadja Goertz
customer service / OPS
Telefon +49 33731 305-32
Fax +49 33731 305-44
Tower / AFISO
Alexander Rajkovic
team management AFISO
Telefon +49 33731 305-32
Fax +49 33731 305-44
Clemens Löbe
Telefon: +49 33731 305-32
fax: +49 33731 305-44
Martin Friedrichs
Telefon +49 33731 305-32
Fax +49 33731 305-44